Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saturday; Aug. 30

Doing better. I have achieved some organization and included exercise into my week. I got rid of lots of clothes in my closet and cleaned out my e-mail. I have been riding my bike and walking my dog most days. I also danced vigorously with my husband last night. Downside: went to Weight Watchers and have gained 4 lbs back in 2 months, but glad I went because I need the kick in the rear about my eating habits.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 12--Sabotaged

How do I keep from getting sabotaged? Church and working for hubby yesterday with still company to tend to. Tired today, but rested until 10. Then roast on and washing. Tired already. Will I even feel like walking the treadmill? Long day tomorrow. Back for hearing testing for Mama tomorrow. Drive 2 hrs., testing 2-3 hrs. Drive to daughters. Take to dinner and back home exhausted. I will do better after this episode.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day 10 coping

Still fighting a little depression because of this sandwiched feeling. The two people who I have depended on most in my life are becoming more and more dependent on me. Sometimes I feel all alone. Feeling that way last night when lying in bed. Out of the blue, God spoke to my heart. I'm not alone and never have been. I pulled my James Avery cross back out of my jewelry box. I will wear it everyday to remind myself that He always is taking care of me. I will accomplish my goals and still be there for the ones I love with His help.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 8 Ups and Downs

Back to blogging. I have had some depression, but I am back on top. Through it all, I have kept up with exercising--a mile walk with Krissy and a 30 minute bike ride (4 miles). The sandwich has been chewed on some this week. Feeling a little abandoned in certain areas of my life--but I took action and the pity party is over. I take my Mom to Houston today to investigate a cochlear implant, but I got up and walked and rode my bike. I will have to watch the eating today a little closer. Time to go back to Weight Watchers.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Getting back on track emotionally-Day 3

Well I had to get myself emotionally fit so I could get back on track. I slept late, had lunch with a friend who listened to my woes, and shopped and found bargains. Most of all, I did something that I rarely do. I asked for help from two people. One immediatly said yes and I haven't heard back from the other. Ready, to get going again.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 2--A disaster

What I am proud of: Walking 1 mile and riding my bike for 3 1/2 miles.

I am distraught that I sucuumbed to being the sandwich meat. I had many phone calls and e-mails over 3 upcoming events that I am hosting. It is very difficult to try to please so many people. I desperately need a break from the phone and computer.
By lunch, I was exhausted and my willpower was down. Also, having heartburn and IBS. I have to get a grip if I am going to be successful with 363 days to go.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Not bad, but not great for day 1

Well, it is 7:15 and quitting time. I am not displeased with my accomplishments of the day. The morning was phenomenol for me. Several more items were knocked off the "to do" list, but still some are left. Usually "to do" lists are lofty aspirations so I don't feel too bad. Most of what I need to get accomplished for the first few days are the regular house dejunking before I can tackle real orginizational tasks such as cleaning closets. In retrospect, I think I may have to use caller ID and the answering machine to avoid the interruptions that cause misdirection. I also need to start weaning myself away from checking e-mail so often. If I am home, it is not unusual for me to check e-mail 10 or 12 times during the day. Like my caffeine addiction, I think this will have to be a gradual weaning, but it will pay off in increased time.